Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thank God for "Kathy's"...

A few days after she brought me a bright blue Scooby Doo blanket to counteract the hospital chill, Kathy taped this sheet of paper inside my father’s ICU room. I saw it each time I walked out the door. It caught my eye each time a nurse or doctor entered. At night, when I lay down to sleep across the darkened room, the paper stood out in dark relief against the lighted hall. Daily the sheet spoke words of love and comfort to me, from my friend and from God.
Kathy loved me well during a difficult time, by her presence and by her gift of Scripture to me. Has something similar happened to you? Were you the giver or the receiver? Is this kind of response to a crisis normal or foreign to you?
There are no right or wrong answers. Your responses merely speak to what you’ve experienced in the past. But in this coming year, I hope you run across a lot of “Kathy’s”, women who will enter into your life situations and hold up God’s truth to you. And I also hope you will be a “Kathy”, encouraging one another with your words and actions.
May the Lord bless you and keep you ~

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